click here or Drag and drop files

File Formats

You can upload up to 20 images (max. 1.00 MB each) as JPG, PNG, GIF, WebP, SVG or BMP.

Please note that Internet Explorer 8 has a limit of 32 KB for data URI. Versions below have no support.

Image optimization

We can optimize your JPEG & PNG images, using jpegoptim and optipng. This will reduce the file without any visible impact (in most cases).

Browser Support

The encoded results are compatible with all of the following browsers and versions. Please send me a note if there are issues.

  • image-name Chrome 4+
  • image-name Safari 3.1+
  • image-name Firefox 2+
  •   image-name Opera 9+
  • image-name IE 8+
  •           image-name Edge


What is the IMAGE TO BASE64 tool?

An IMAGE TO BASE64 tool is a tool that helps you to convert an image file into a Base64 encoded string. Base64 is a way of representing binary data using only 64 characters.

Where Image to Base64 Tool Use?

IMAGE To BASE64 encoder is the life of  web developers, programmers. IMAGE To BASE64 encoder is an essential tool for web development in general and especially for cross browser testing.  Image To base64 represents the image's binary data as a text string or image to text. Image To Base64 is primarily used to embed image data within other formats like HTML, CSS, or JSON. By including image data within an HTML document, the browser doesn't need to make an additional web request to fetch the file, since the image is already embedded in the HTML document. IMAGE To Base64 representation of an image is larger than a separate image and the string gets very long for large images. You should primarily use Image To Base64 for small images and always test both embedded and external images to see what works best.

Base64 string as Image can be used in emails as (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions). All latest browsers support displaying base64 strings as images. Base64 String representing data in radix-64 is particularly popular on the World Wide Web.

How to Use our free IMAGE TO BASE64 tool?

Our image to base64 toll is 100 % free. You can simply drag and drop your file. It will encode the image to base64. Our Image to base64 can perform all operations like svg to base64 , convert image to url , jpg to base64 , html image base-64 ,  data image png base64 , image to url generator .

Our base64 converter is top of the line.