Generate a CSS Color Gradient

Choose orientation

Enter colors


CSS Code:

background-image: linear-gradient(to right top , #2C372C , #006d8a );

About css color gradient generator tool:

Multiple color gradient generator is a free CSS color gradient generator tool that helps you to create free gradient color backgrounds for your web pages. Elevate and enhance your website design and web development with our user-friendly free CSS Color Gradient Generator tool. With the help of the CSS color gradient background generator tool boost your website's visual appeal and user engagement with our Gradient Generator tool. You can create a lot of CSS gradient background colors, and export the CSS gradient background code with colors in RGB or HEX format.


CSS defines three types of gradient background colors:

Linear gradients

Redial gradients

Conic gradients


Features of CSS color gradient generator:

CSS Color Gradient Generator online and free tool typically offers a range of features to help users create custom css gradient background colors for their web design projects. Here are some standard features you might find in such a tool:

Color selection

Gradient type

Direction control

Opacity control

Color stops

Copy CSS code

Export and save code 


How to use the free CSS color gradient generator tool:

Go to this page where you are right now.

Choose a gradient direction for creating CSS background gradient colors.

Enter colors for creating gradient colors.

Click on the “Generate” button.

Copy the CSS code and paste it where you want.